Monday, April 28, 2008

Am Yisrael: HaShem's Moshiach

So I have decided to quit sitting idly by as Moshiach draws near and hopefully influence others by way of the Internet. I know there are plenty of great End of Days blogs out there already, yet I feel the need to lend my own voice to the crowd. My first thought or set of thoughts are:

Moshicah means the anointed, yet that is just what Am Yisrael is, we are HaShem's anointed and for this reason it is really Am Yisrael that is the Moshiach. We are conduits for the divine will and yet we are asleep as if in a great trance awaiting the moment when we can be told---Wake Up! And that is exactly what Moshiach will do:

"Melech HaMoshiach will stand on the roof of the Beit HaMikdash and say, "Humble Ones, the time of our Redemption has arrived." --Yalkut Shemoni

Why wait?


Tomer Devorah said...

Welcome! Everyone has his piece of the puzzle to bring to the whole. I look forward to reading more of your insights.

nava said...

Hatzlacha raba

Avi said...

Me too! Hatlachah on your new blog. May it merit Am Yisrael to bring the Geula in mercy.

I'll be blogrolling you. Would you mind blogrolling me? I blog at For Zion's Sake- mainly politics and Torah, and the Truth about Moshiach dedicated to combatting the spiritual genocide of the Jewish people.

Smooth said...

Welcome to the JBlogosphere. We are all voices in that wilderness. More voices, the better. I will link to you, would you like to reciprocate?

Anonymous said...

"Moshiach" is a person. Not a nation. If I understand your stance correctly you are in direct violation of one of the 13 Principles of Faith as set down by the RamBam. I believe in his coming (Our Righteous Moshiach) even though he tarry I await his coming everyday.

Not only do you speak against teachings of the Rambam and other but also the Prophets.

Tomer Devorah said...

Nu? Looking for some good stuff!

Dovid Eliezer said...

I will put to rest in the future any supposed violation of Rambam. My explanation will hopefully suffice. As for everyone else, I will link to your sites now.